Stauffer GmbH is now part of the VALCO Group
In its more than 30-year company history, Stauffer GmbH has specialised in the extraction of welding fumes from robots and the extraction of manual welding.
After almost 30 years of close cooperation with VALCO, we are pleased to inform you that Stauffer GmbH has been part of the VALCO GmbH group of companies in Mettmann since 01.07.2021.
We are very pleased to be able to expand our knowledge in the field of welding robot extraction and to continue the products of Stauffer GmbH. The patented extraction system ROPAS for mechanised welding and MAPAS for manual welding have proven their worth in many welding-intensive operations over the years. With the takeover of Stauffer GmbH by VALCO GmbH, the continuity of the product range, quality and reliability is ensured. We continue to supply complete solutions from mobile extraction units to stationary systems, including piping and assembly.
After 30 years as managing partner of Stauffer GmbH, it is time for me to hand over the baton. I am pleased to announce that Stauffer GmbH will be part of the VALCO GmbH group of companies in Mettmann from 01.07.2021.
It is a real enrichment for us to have the innovative products of Staufer GmbH now exclusively in our portfolio.
There is nothing comparable on the worldwide market for extraction technology, and the enormous experience of Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Stauffer is an enrichment for us, from which we were able to profit greatly during the one-year training and transition period.
Production and sales have been relocated to the Mettmann site, so that we can now position ourselves optimally on the market together.
MAPAS, the economical extraction system for retrofitting, extracts the smoke where it is produced, at the welder’s gun.
ROPAS means efficient fume suction
directly at the torch for robots and automatic machines